Friday, July 17, 2009

Dear Now

Dear Now,

I don't like you right now. I don't like the situation we are in Now. All I want to do is get things done. Really. I pour over things that I maybe able to do, but if I do anymore, I maybe backtracking. I know, it's not your fault and I am more frustrated with the situation then you Now. There must be a way to push forward, maybe I haven't looked hard enough. I hate stagnation as much as I hate stale air in a hot summer car. Rescheduling does not help, it just makes you realize how many things hasn't been done yet. ARGH! The worse part of it is, that I feel helpless; I want to improve the situation, start things up, but some elements I simply can not control. The only course of action is to suffer through it. Boy do I hate stale air, let me tell ya. Stale air, stale water, stale bread and candy. Yuck all of them. No one likes them, but it happens all the time.

At least talking to you Now give me a sense of release. Because at least you are ever changing.

P.s I could go for a burger Now, want to get it for me? Pleeeeaaaaase?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dear Disney

Dear Walt Disney,

Great job!

P.s You make wonderful dinner conversations.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dear 22

Dear 22,

Thanks for a wonderful year, although it started great, but dipped to a rather dark times, it ended on a higher note. I am most pleased. Thank you and good bye.

P.s I will tell 23 hello for you.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dear Chinese song that was not meant to be,

Dear Chinese song that was not meant to be,

You are epic, you are dramatic and you sound amazing. I really felt a connection with you when I made you. You started out with a kick-butt drum beat that was meant to teach. You didn't sound very much like a Chinese song at first, but I turned you into one. You then blossomed into more of a dramatic tone and ended with a whiz-bang Hans-Zimmer-Kung-Fu-Panda-Kicking-Butt-music. Your drums started to roar, the stick clacks echoed throughout the land, your string parts attacked sharply in unison. You were loud and proud like mad riot.

I am sorry, you were not right for the song for the next episode. You are just too epic for a kids song. I do hope you understand. It is particularly hard for me, since I created you, however I can reassure you that you will see the light of day.

I am off to create an alternate version of you now. Don't worry, your epic-ness will not be replaced. The world is just not ready yet.

Tell the Japanese song that will not meant to be "hello."

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dear Friday,

Dear Friday,

We have an earlier start tomorrow. I have to say I am quite anxious about our trip to the DMV tomorrow. I haven't taken a test; a multiple choice test, for at least a couple of years. I do remember excelling at it...back when I was in that mind set. I hear that the test was easy: from the two geniuses I know. I also heard it was quite hard: from the two other geniuses I know.

I must say I am stumped. Don't worry though, I aim to run right to the back of the line if I manage to fail the test. I believe I will spike my hair for my photo. Perhaps I will dazzle the camera with my "that's great" smile.

P.s According to my schedule this will be my last full weekend for a couple of weeks. Adventure awaits!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dear Logic,

Dear Logic,

I hear you are going to be showcased at this year's Apple's World Wide Developer's Conference. I am excited to meet you and your pals. I wish I could meet you personally, but I will be quite busy. I will watch for you on the macrumors web feed.

I do hope your stability will be substantially increased. I could care less about the cool new features you may arrive with. I just want you to be more dependable. I understand that you have a lot on your mind; with an average of 20 tracks of high processing virtual instruments and high processing Waves plug-ins. I do think that if you were 64-bit you would be able to handle it. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the many features you offer; I am sure I haven't gone through all of them, but please give me more time to use them (rather then crashing all the time.)

You and EastWest should really get along.

Dear Sunday

Dear Sunday,

I woke up extra early for you this week. I took a break from saving the world for a little bit to record some character voices. We also had a meeting to chart out my fate for the next three months. By the looks of it, I contract for not having a life will be extended for three more months.

I would like to say thank you,

Going over the schedules I must say, I am quite excited. These past couple of weeks felt like a lull and I think my chops are not as sharp. I am glad to see things are picking up again. As much as I complain about seemingly unrealistic deadlines; the long hours, the late nights and the build up of tension, I do relish in it. I want to be faster and more efficient. I want to test myself and push my limits. Blah blah blah. There is something exciting about planning whats coming ahead, there is also a rush knowing things are about to get crazy. Granted, I will read this post three months from now and scoff at my naive enthusiasm at what's ahead, but I remain optimistic.

On a side note my gaming time will be severed by production time, I have no choice but to cram in three months of gaming in one day. They say it can't be done, but like this production, it has to be.

So, I will have to bid you good day for now maybe I will swing on by time and time.

send Saturday my regards.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dear Andy's Blog

Dear Andy's blog post,

You are quite welcome.

P.S I wish I was just as cuddly. Boooo.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dear Mozart Piano Concerto 23 in A major

Dear Mozart's Piano Concerto #23 in A major,

I wanted to say how much you have put my mind at ease. At around 7:30 PM you were broadcasted through the random radio I happened upon. I never felt so alive and animated while driving home. It was such a refreshing change of scenery from the drone boring mindless music that is in the many popular scenes of today. The mindless instrumentation of hip-hop, techno,pop and many other genre of pop. I was also happy to know that I still had love for music like you. It wasn't a forced appreciation like how I felt before (being a former pianist of sorts, I felt obligated to relate and enjoy you.) I felt genuin need to listen to more and more of you, I couldn't get enough as you went from one motif to the next. I danced with joy within the limits of my seat; waving my hands frantically as if I was leading the orchestra.

What a fantastic feeling. What a fantastic piece you are. Good job Mozart, way to go.

Now for something completely different...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dear Russia

Дорогое Россия, Я одно из вас теперь, посылаю хлеб.

P.s Вы ванты имеете покинутые замоки я могу проводить лето внутри? Получите назад к мне.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dear Andrew

Dear Andrew,

No I am not going to start my blog with "Captain's blog..."

That is lame.

P.s Thanks for the Horchata.

Dear 12:27

Dear 12:27 am,

You are here way too early. I have too much to do before now and 9 am. Dextor's Lab was great and the Wii Fit was fantastic, I would very much like to have more time with them.

It's ok I will forgive you for now, don't let it happen again.

P.s Tell 1:14 am the same thing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dear Apple,

Please, oh please come out with a new patch that will fix all of my problems.
p.s Actually you only have to fix Logic Pro problems, you don't have to fix my life.
p.p.s I am loving your laptop.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dear internet

Dear internet,
I went to the beach today, the water was quite cold. My girlfriend Rachael's sandals got washed away into the vast area of the sea. I better make this short, I have to go to work tomorrow.

P.s Rachael supposedly saw dolphins.